Indonesian riders will get one more bike update for 2015 and this time it is Honda with its CB150R. The CB150R is a beautiful bike from Honda with a Trellis frame that is not the usual favourite type from the Japanese market.
It is said to be unveiled today 5th August in Indonesia. Pics and info from a friend in Indonesia.
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kalau masuk malaysia pun harga komfem lgi mahal dri fz kalau cmtu punye spec ~
Cb150r ni dgn spec 150cc + Dohc + 6speed + Fi + Tank depan kalo masuk msia pun boleh jejaskan jualan 250cc single piston , apatah lagi bwah 200cc yg spec lagi cikai Carb + Sohc / Push Rod
Honda cc tinggi Kali r..
Betul..sktg org nk motor ade raga.sng nk ke pasar.haha
More people preferred without clutch bike. If the 150 naked bike without the clutch then respond will be good.
Confirm x masuk malaysia sb moto 150cc kategori NAKED BIKE, sambutan kat malaysia kurang.. sb rata2 rakyat malaysia lebih minat kat kapcai
Tgk yamaha fz150i jualan x bape laku, bkn sb arga mahal tapi trend skrang lebih gemar moto yg ada bakul contoh mcm 135lc
Trend 90an rmai gemarkan naked bike mcm rxz, smpai kapcai pon kurang org minat..
Hope masuk kasi drop demand market hong leong
not coming to indonesia, but made in indonesia precisely..
Woww ini berpotensi saingi sales Yamaha Vixion/Ef Jekk Aii nim kalu launch di Mesia ?
Nur Mohd Rabain Mohamad Iqbal
Rizaleman Nawi
launching 5/8/2015
ada 2 produk
2.SONIC 150R
Bukan model ni dah lama ke ada kat indon..? Cbr versi naked.
Indon tlalu byk model naked bike 150cc
Malaysia entah la… mungkin di sb kn rakyat malaysia lebih minat kt kapcai senang bwk barang sb tu kalu kategori 150cc naked bike, BOON SIEW x brani bwk masuk
Lawa ….
DOHC, 6 speed pulak tu..
lbeh kurg mc fz ja pown