KTM has unveiled a couple of model to fit between the 200 and 390 range with the RC250 and Duke 250. The 250cc is a good step forward since there are many countries that have license regulations that limits 250cc bikes for a entry class license. Bigger than that, you’ll need to apply another license class.

It is stated by KTM that this 250cc will generate 31hp at 9,000RPM. The RC200 currently generates 25hp which already commendable for that lightweight chassis.

I have been saying that KTM is a manufacturer that really reacts fast to the market and to the demand of the riders. I’m thinking KTM already prepares the RC250 and Duke 250 for production sooner that you thought.

BTW, if the RC is 250cc engine equipped, does this means that it already almost becoming the KTM Moto3 GP replica?
UPDATE: The price for RC250 in Japan is estimated at JPY620,000 (RM19,197.49 direct conversion). Eh, kalau dah ada harga ni, maknanya macam dah ready untuk production la kan?
Source: bikesindia and responsejp
apa bezanya dgn yamaha,,R25 bro mahon pencerahan
hehehe…lek dlu dok…rc250 msti ada msuk cni sbb cni ada kilang ktm…
Nussmary Koko
Gst mahal huhu
nizam Mohd Niezam Zainon
Hebat KTM
Hanita Alias….
Agak2 bila pasaran malaysia akan keluar??
Moto 3 di kuasai oleh honda….
Luqman Al Hakim
Jibam Fadly
Sumber dari: en.responsejp
lampu depan cam harem
Na chellen yamaha r25. Tp ni kna titik la kalo single cylinder je. Mak aihh
Agak2 kat corner sapa menang?
Kalau berat kurang, ktm ni boleh pecut pada Acceleration
Hahaha. Nth le. Kna bli bru bole men 1 kali
Hahaha…cuba dulu bos…Aku pakai 4piston tapi sgt tertarik dgn 1piston ni
Farhan Laa dah boleh join ktm dh kau
Dot dot dot. Wkwk
nanti korner leh jadi pro HAHA
konfirm masuk malaysia ke yg 250cc ni?…klo betul,nak simpan hajat dulu…
Tidak dapat dipastikan tu bro.
ok takpe…kita tunggu je la kan haha…nanti dah ada info tolong bgtahu….excited hahaha
Design same je
Design sama, enjin lain
Muhammad Farhan M Shazeem Ezzat
Boleh gigit R25 dari belakang nih
R25 = 35.5 PS. Boleh la. Potong tang korner la kot…
Yezaaa…Sebab tu saya taip “Boleh gigit R25 dari BELAKANG” Ekekekeke. Torque RC250 ni sedap main kona2
250cc 1 piston 31 hp? Power….cbr300 pun 31hp
Powerful and lighweight lg ni bro. Dgn chassis yg superb. Mesti laku ni…
Cbr300 cuma 29hp ja kalau x silap. Tapi dia 281cc ka cmtu la
250 pulak
Freshjive Glory,bersabar dahulu….nati msti msuk cni…
haha bru dpt green lite bleh pkai. aku bru nk g survey kt kdai rc200 ni. nsib baik.
Baru betul 250 cc
Well, 250cc category, Game On!