Yamaha YZF-R25 is surely and interesting 250cc bike in its category. It features 35.5 horsepower at high-revving engine of 12,000RPM. The engine is using the offset cylinder to maximise the power delivery to the crankshaft as the connnecting rod will be in straight position when the piston hits BDC (bottom dead center). Also included is the proven DiASil alloy cylinder that minimises friction to the wall of the cylinder from the piston.
Forged aluminium piston ensures the total mass of the piston is low (thus making it lightweight) and at the same time, tough enough to handle the 35.5hp. The connecting rod are carburized which mean it is carbon-hardened to enables it to be strong.
Of course, the engine is fuel-injected to ensures the accurate fuel metering and able to maxes out the power it can.
It is a truly beautiful bike with a great engine. Check out the video embed below:
25k berbaloi ???
made in Indonesia, wwew….
Ish3.. geram plak tgk hp moto nih.. hahaha.. fight2 ninja..
jgn risau anak melayu kan pandai upgred…enjin x power pun depa bleh bikin
Kelakar baca sesetengah komen yg kata motor ni tak power. Kalau nak power beli superbike terus lah.
Offset … mcam CBR ek ..
X gak power sangat yamaha r25 ni…
Jumla semua bikerz berkumpul bg memorandum desak KERAjaan turunkan harga motor..melampau sangat dah harganye..
Hapuskan duti eksais & cukai jualan motosikal CKD!
Sang Krook
Pak Lang Ichiro Kenshin
Aummm aummm
Bila nak masok Malaysia??…bongok betol hong Leong..
Bila masuk Malaysia plak, harga skali ganda naik nye… Nak kate sbb nk Slamat kn industri motor Malaysia mustahil gak sbb Malaysia buat motor kapcai je… Plizz la turunkan harga mutor2 besa
kalo masuk msia .. sila angkat sbiji ab. Aliold Town
Ntah msuk ke tidak. Dr dlu lg malaysia adlh negara last yg trima motor kt negara asean ni. Org dh xnk guna, bru la turn kita merasa.huhu
Ni yg kne agkt abg Imran Naz, huhu