NAZA Bikes Sdn Bhd introduced yet another new addition to its product range today, the brand new NAZA N5, in a launch event held today at NAZA Automall in Petaling Jaya. Present at the event were Datuk Wira HJ SM Faisal Tan Sri SM Nasimuddin, NAZA Group of Companies Joint Group Executive Chairman; Mr. Oh Sei-young, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Kolao Group; Mr. Bae Dong-Jun, Chief Executive Officer of KR Motors and Mr. Nik Danial Nik Mahmood, Vice President of Naza Two Wheels & Four Wheels Division.

This latest NAZA N5 was specifically designed to meet increasing market demands for more dynamic 250cc entry-level motorcycles. A bike of convenience for city dwellers and country goers alike, the NAZA N5 is user-friendly and thrilling to ride, it is ideal for entry-level riders, who wish to navigate the roads with ease, boost their confidence and enhance their riding ability.
This model comes with 6-speed transmission and is powered by a DOHC 4-valve single-cylinder liquid-cooled engine. Power is rated at 28hp and 24Nm of torque. Being single-cylinder, 28hp is comparable to the Kawasaki Ninja 250SL which are said to be introduced in Malaysia this 22th May, but at the weight of 148kg curb mass, it is heavier that the 250SL at only 124.5kg sorry, Ninja 250SL also 148kg, so it is the same weight, tq to reader loki for the update. The lighter the bike, the easier it is to take corners.

NAZA Bikes is targeting customers between 18 to 45 years of age and hopes its sales of the NAZA N5 to reach 300 units per month, (roughly 3600 units annually). The NAZA N5 is incredible value for money and is competitively priced at RM13,988 (OTR) for the first 500 customers!

“In 2013, our NAZA Blade 650 sports bike was the No. 1 model in its class, whilst our 250cc bike is also a top choice for its segment. Throughout these 15 years, our partnership with KR Motors has strengthened and our collaboration has resulted in NAZA Bikes successfully introducing 6 different motorcycle models of 250c and 650cc”, said Datuk Wira SM Faisal.

NAZA Bikes started its export program in 2009, with Iran being the first country to receive NAZA’s motorcycles, closely followed by Brunei. More recently, NAZA Bikes ventured into Cambodia – marking the first stepping-stone into IndoChina and the beginning of what will eventually be a greater international expansion of the brand that will include catering to the Vietnamese and Indonesian markets.

Datuk Wira Hj SM Faisal further that, “Our vision is that NAZA shall one day become a full-fledged manufacturer with the ability to produce Malaysian indigenous motorcycles – particularly in the 250cc engine capacity motorcycles – that are not only locally enjoyed but also internationally recognised. To be a brand that can compete with the popular established makes such as Kawasaki, and Honda. Our collaboration with KR Motors will eventually lead us to realising this vision.”

“The idea is to create a ‘Malaysian motorcycle’ brand that is authentic, of superior quality at an affordable price, fully designed and developed by our local talent. With the release of our latest NAZA Bikes model, we are well on our way to achieving this dream,” he added.
2014 NAZA N5 price is RM13,988 (OTR) for first 500 customer.
Engine image credit to
Saya baru amik.mileage dah almost 1k. cash 11.4k.tapi pagi tadi tiba2 lampu fi nyala then enjin mati.on balik,neutral ok,masuk gear 1 mati balik.lepak seminit.start balik baru ok dan boleh bawak kerja.kenapa jadi macam ni,ada siapa2 boleh bagitau?
Bình Anh Nguyễn
Mmg buruk pun… Sbb murah sangat bbanding yg lain….
Suria Palnni Charmendra
Boyo Zaidi
hmmm dgq2 brand naza ni fobia haha..xmau dah pkai naza =P
menarik nih..
You mean next 500 would be cheaper ???
haha. good thinking…
It could happen Admin ! Don’t you think so since so many competitors are coming into the market, next one would be Kawasaki Ninja SL Mono ?
Tkkan sampaI 170kmh motor nih, paling laju pun mungkin 140-150kmh, naked bro 🙂 kalau fairing bleh laa caye..
Bentuk mcm duke
hello admin,
kawasaki sl tu 124.5kg beratnya ke? hang dah silap dah ni.
kawi single super light tu pon 148kg. entry engko on pg 5
pon cakap mcm tu, kan? try check tengok. manalah nak cari
dah betulkan. terima kasih bro. 124.5kg tu Kawasaki Ninja KRR-150ZX.
1 piston ringan.pada blade 250 plak tu, torque syok ni
Arif Zahari haha
1 piston pickup xkn sama dgn 2 piston…Lazat mto ni
Masing2 ada peminat…xpyh kata lawa ke buruk…
Ya ka blade 250i top speed 180kmh?
Laju2 pon nk kemana =)
Aizuddin Azami
Aizuddin Azami
Mcm buruk ja design ni
Mcm buruk ja design ni
Top speed 170kmh tunduk..
X tunduk 160kmh..
Meter berat..
Mungkin boleh cucuk DUKE 390..duke top speed lbh kurg 175kmh..
Klu nk 2 piston ambik blade 250i se naked yg baru ni…harga up sikit speed boleh 180kmh..
Untuk N5 ni berbaloi sgt dah beli..
Long distance pun ok dah nk maintain 140-150kmh..
Pikap mesti lazat ni..
Pesaing duke 200, megelli 250, sym t2 250, dan ninja 250 SL yg akan kuar nnt..
Top speed 170kmh tunduk..
X tunduk 160kmh..
Meter berat..
Mungkin boleh cucuk DUKE 390..duke top speed lbh kurg 175kmh..
Klu nk 2 piston ambik blade 250i se naked yg baru ni…harga up sikit speed boleh 180kmh..
Untuk N5 ni berbaloi sgt dah beli..
Long distance pun ok dah nk maintain 140-150kmh..
Pikap mesti lazat ni..
Pesaing duke 200, megelli 250, sym t2 250, dan ninja 250 SL yg akan kuar nnt..
Dah ad orang beli?? Top berapa?
Kna ad fairing baru smart
Faliq Idrus
Ape beza single clynder ngan dua clynder..???
Muhammad Faris Idrus Mohd Nurfitri jom sorg satu… Hehehe
why too ugly?
Nak senang maintain pakai ni
Nak bunyi ducati pakai blade 250.
2-2 harga lebih kurang je.
Mohd Noor Atiq
Berbaloi tak beli ni?
Adie Sport tgu dk jerantut pahni..
Adie Sport tgu dk jerantut pahni..
Adie Sport tgu dk jerantut pahni..
Rahman Asuwar,ni pn dh orait dh..
Rahman Asuwar,ni pn dh orait dh..
exiv 250
2 cylinder inline pun dah memadai untuk membezakan dengan bunyi ekzos kapcai, walaupun still x berape best bunyinya…
Mael Rosman
A’inal Nazli
2 pilihan nak blade 250 @ N5?
Ochin Manja
MotoMalaya alaa.. guna la enjin blade 250 v-twin.. lepas tu bg harga kasih sayang sesama bangsa.. takkan kedek kot.. hahaha..
Sempoi raa,,,,
lbh skit hp dr duke200….hehe
looks nice
Yang penting tak der masalah plug cap
single ke.. klu v-twin mesti ramai orang angkut.. tukar ekjos custom dah bunyi cam ala2 ducati gitu..
klu V-twin, harga pun kena 2x jgk la. hehe