2012 Honda Future Helmet-In 125 in Malaysia by Boon Siew Honda – RM5,743.40

2012 Honda Future 125

Boon Siew Honda has just updated their website with this new bike named Future Helmet-In. It is equipped with 125cc engine. As the name suggest, the great and most welcomed feature of this bike is the big underseat box (or U-box) that is big enough to fit in full-face helmet.   

Mostly everything about this bike is big including the use of big fuel tank at 5.6L. That is big guys. Before this, only Modenas CT110 has big capacity fuel that is at 5.5L for a bike below 125cc 4-stroke. Now, the crown goes go this Honda Future Helmet-In. Having big fuel tank is a big advantage since you can ride longer and further with fewer fuel stops. Honda claims that this bike can go up to 338km with single full tank of petrol. That is almost a 3 quarter of a journey to Kelantan from Shah Alam. Honda also a good to include a wider seat so that long distance ride will be much more comfortable.

One more surprise from Honda is the use of the front and rear brake disc system. Usually, Honda likes to use the rear drum brake to reduce the weight and of course, to reduce the price of their bike. This rear brake disc system is also a welcomed addition to the bike. Thank you Honda for finally listening to us.

Price? Will be updated…

UPDATE: The price rear disc brake/ electric starter/ cast alloy wheel model is RM5,743.40 (NOT OTR).

via: Boon Siew Honda

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18 Replies to “2012 Honda Future Helmet-In 125 in Malaysia by Boon Siew Honda – RM5,743.40”

  1. kimi, ko try tengok kat kedai GT MAX kat sentosa…kedainya 1 baris dengan MYDIN…

    aku dah booking…geran dah serah, form JPJ dah selesai cop tukar milik…

    cuma nak bagitau, memang tayarnya bukan tubeless…aku trade-in tayar, ganti depan belakang DURO, kena tambah rm140.00

    ko usha salesgirl melayu tu…jangan ko yang cair udah le…

  2. selepas baca katalog honda future yg member aku ambk dari kedai moto nampaknya

    aku tertarik dengan spec yg ada. brake disc dpn blkg, tank bsr, save myk tp syg design body tak berapa

    cantik. aku pn g la survey kt shah alam dan trade in moto wave 125 aku thn 2006 dpt 1800. tambah

    ckit lg deposit 500 trus kawtim. semalam moto dh kuar dan sempat la juga test ride dlm 10km. mmg puas hati

    bwk moto ni.layan lap pn best. tp sbb moto br kuar dan tak abis ‘pantang’ lg aku bwk slow jela. nnt dh 1000km

    blh la full trothle.. tahniah honda future terbaik dlm kelasnya….

  3. kalau ada yang nak beli cash tu, aku cadangkan, buatlah survey yang sepatutnya…takut ada kedai yang ambik kesempatan….

    paling murah aku tengok semalam, kedai tu bagi offer rm6100.. (OTR)…max dalam catalog rm6250.00…tu harga full spec…varion 3…(disk depan belakang)

    kalau lebih dari tu, memang kena sembelihlah…kena tipu hidup-hidup…

    beli cash, tekanlah sikit…kalau kedai tu tak layan, kedai lain banyak lagi nak….

    sekadar pandangan je…

  4. aku ada tengok model ni kat klang semalam…pada aku, memang class beb…mantap dan memenuhi citarasa…

    kalau sebelum ni aku naik wave 125S, full tank boleh pergi max (150KM), tu kalau aku bawaklah, sebab aku bukan kaki rempit, bawak pun max 80km je…kalau naik 100KM rasa seriaulah…

    dengan model ni, setakat aku berulang klang-shah alam, mau 2 minggu sekali aku isi…

    model semalam (full spec-varion 3) disk depan/belakang, rim….kalau cash baru rm6100.00 je kedai tu offer, dalam catalog max rm6250 (OTR)…

    aku akan tolak wave 125S aku…dorang ambik rm2200.00 (tahun 2008)….jadi nak tambah sikit jelah lagi…

    cuma dorang bagitau, stok mungkin lambat sikit, tapi kalau cash, biasalah cepatlah dapatnya…

    cuma 1 yang diharapkan, model ni takan jadi odel yang panas (senang hilang) seperti model LC…risau gak kalau model ada dick depan/belakang kalau jadi sasaran buat yang tak mampu tu…

    lepas ni, bolehlah kita buat kelab HONDA Future, kita konvoi ramai-ramai, tengok dia punya performance…

    ok, selamat membelilah yek…varion 3, memang puas hati…

  5. Previously keen on 135LC and Nouvo LC, but after saw this “Future” at shop. I Quiet like the specification, fuel safe(5.6litre), large under seat compartment. had submit loan waiting approval for this “future”.

  6. Had baught it on 28julai using it till now full spec ,baught for 6300 on the road,due to compony need i hav to travel lots places,mileage dah sampai 800km,so far nice ,i dont noe much bout bike previously used yamaha ss for five years,driving this lik bmw for me.i in lov wif it.read the manual before ride

  7. Setelah baca specifikasi dan harga serta penjimatan dan fizakal……aku rasa aku telah buat keputusan bijak dgn menempah sebiji Honda FUture 125 color merah jingga (maroon 5) semalam…….

  8. m’sia will always lack behind in term of tech n model, as you can see model like ex5 its been how long in the market? no more production in our neighbouring country. another thing there was different in term of build for engine if you compare side by side, mine was done with my wave 110 and friends (from TH) wave 110, the look is not much different but when you really open up the engine all was gone.. totally diferent thing. so just get with it carb oso can lah… easy to maintain maa..

  9. Agaknya tak kuar mutor FI pasal honda rasa kebanyakan makenik motor kat m’sia tak reti servis/bukak enjin FI kot.

    Ataupun yg lebih realistik lagi, sistem dia mahal sangat jadi kalau nak harga kompetitif untung tak banyak. Kalau saya pun baik juat motor karberator kalau margin lagi bagus.

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