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Pictures above is in medium resolution, so, click to enlarge. I post these pictures here for all of us to enjoy and also my place to keep these pictures for easy access when I don’t bring my laptop to the bike shop (my phone can browse Internet).
I hope Mr. Pang will not be furious about me posting his catalog, and I think this is a good publicity for him.
YYPang racing parts has been used a lot in Yamaha Lagenda for Malaysian Cub Prix race. Some of the parts here are expensive, but quality is proven as Motul YYPang team has always been on the podium.
Exhaust pipe are the easiest performance upgrade we can do to our bike whether is Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki, Modenas, big bike or small bike. For 2-stroke bike, exhaust pipe is very important as it is very closely related to performance of the bike and that is very true if you look at the exhaust pipes YYPang has to offer for Yamaha Y125Z bike. It has 6 different pipes!
Different exhaust dimension will give different performance at different RPM. For stock exhaust pipe, the pipe is tuned for good overall performance with almost silent sound. But, if you look for the sprint test exhaust pipe, you can see it is shorter and the ‘belly’ or the chamber is slimmer. This is due to the fact that this exhaust need to perform very well and at its very best at highest RPM. Meaning that the performance of this sprint test exhaust is not good from low to mid RPM. In sprint test, who doesn’t hit the throttle to full carb opening and highest RPM?
Choose your exhaust wisely.
I hope Mr. Pang will not be furious about me posting his catalog, and I think this is a good publicity for him.
YYPang racing parts has been used a lot in Yamaha Lagenda for Malaysian Cub Prix race. Some of the parts here are expensive, but quality is proven as Motul YYPang team has always been on the podium.
Exhaust pipe are the easiest performance upgrade we can do to our bike whether is Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki, Modenas, big bike or small bike. For 2-stroke bike, exhaust pipe is very important as it is very closely related to performance of the bike and that is very true if you look at the exhaust pipes YYPang has to offer for Yamaha Y125Z bike. It has 6 different pipes!
Different exhaust dimension will give different performance at different RPM. For stock exhaust pipe, the pipe is tuned for good overall performance with almost silent sound. But, if you look for the sprint test exhaust pipe, you can see it is shorter and the ‘belly’ or the chamber is slimmer. This is due to the fact that this exhaust need to perform very well and at its very best at highest RPM. Meaning that the performance of this sprint test exhaust is not good from low to mid RPM. In sprint test, who doesn’t hit the throttle to full carb opening and highest RPM?
Choose your exhaust wisely.
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selamat siang…..
im interest with exhaust yy pang for all type 2tak…please send to me price list for,exhaust yy pang.
i have a store in jakarta ,please give me price for reseller.
plis email me: [email protected]
im wait for goodnews for me
salam kenal
rxz sprint pipe price
aku baru pki lagrge?enda 115zr…ekzos lagenda-sr-silent tu ok tak?…brape rge?
aku baru pki lagenda 115zr…ekzos lagenda-sr-silent tuok tak?
Hello fellow yamaha lovers,
Just wanted to shoot some doubts. Would love any feedback. I live in India and ride a RX100. Could I put a RX-K (18 bhp) bore piston kit? Are the crankcase studs same? What torque does this produce? Would also like to know the pilot/main jet sizes on stock. Is this is good setup for on/off road riding?
Thanks and cheers,
hello…aku cina..kalau silap tulis…minta maaf yar…
aku ni tak tau sangat pasal moto..tapi..kalau aku nak modified Honda Wave 100 Alpha aku jadi laju macam mana ? kena ada barang apa…hantar nama barang-barang kat aku boleh ? email aku [email protected]….kalau boleh…terima kasih yar…
salam bro,
aku nk tanye ekzos pe yg sesuai utk pakai kt FZ150i. klu bleh aku nk dr AHM or YY Pang…tlg bg harge skali…email kt aku [email protected]
hi bro…..
i would like to ask,what yypang pipe is suitable for modified wave 100 with big bore piston and so on….if its a bit noisy its ok,but i would not like the silent type coz its restrictive…
bro email aku harga
135lc SP
135lc SR silent
kt email aku k..plz…
[email protected]
n tggl no contact bro skali..snang kita nk berurusan
Hello soong,
you said you were serious to buy the racing magnet. But until now have no news about it.
1. Ada
2. Ramai org pakai y standard je. YYPang utk perlumbaan sahaja.
salam bro,
1. xd list harga utk stp model ke???
2. blh tlg rekomen model ekzos 125z yg sesuai & rmi org pki???
Hello CaMiM23,
Guna ekzos mana2 model dari AHM atau YYPang dah cukup utk bagi kuasa tambahan.
hy bro… gue nk tnyer,gue msih bru bab2 mto ni n nk tnyer ekzos yg sssuai tuk lagenda z ape? ak nk naik lbih krang 140 standert… ekzos per yg ssuia ko rse n bper harge???
i want to discuss a RXZ design with you. Please gimme your email address or mail me at jaimltr(at)yahoo.com
i have complete kit for track or drag race. email me.
got racing kit for y125z??i serious wan buy racing magnector 125z
hello soong,
email me if you are serious about buying the 125Z exhaust pipe. mohdwahidi(at)gmail.com
how i wan order the 125 exhaust??where can buy??
ahm dengan sck pny catalog xd? 😛
hello Ace,
boleh. pakai yang standard cutting.
Hey…!! Raais here..!! Nak Tanye kao..mmm…aku nie bwk rxz..Baru je 2 bulan so aku tak tau sgt pasal motor..tau pon gitu2..So Motor aku standard lom lagi modify…bole tak pakai pipe y.y. pang..??