The 2014 FZ-150i has been spotted earlier in July 2013. Now, there are few more pictures of the bike circulating on the net including FB pages. The particular bike above is still being taped the model name, but we can see the engine is engraved with Yamaha. Comparing this picture with the Vixion in Indonesia, it looks like this is the FZ-150i which will make it to Malaysia soon.
The specs includes new rear brake disc system, the updated styling and headlamp. Also seen in the picture above is the missing of the kick starter, which we can’t confirm whether this is the final model or not. It still carries the single-cylinder 149.8cc liquid-cooled SOHC engine with fuel injection system. Power maxes out at 16.59PS at 8,500RPM and torque pulling 14.5Nm at 7,500RPM.
The actual date of release is not known.
dh jual kt kedai ke belum..
my FZ got same system with new fz.. o2 sensor lah apa lagi. wide rims, rear disc brake, digital meter.. nah~ so no regret.
Roll out ke, Troll out..?? haha
:3 dalam kegelapan malam
Dausz Bobz…tggu cb150r boh
Muka sinchan
agak2 bila kuar?
Biasa la tu,125z time mula2 launching dulu pun ramai jgk yg complain ckp xcantik la,huduh la.last2 jd hot pulak kat market.biasa la,budak2 kentut nafsu mmg kuat,br nak naik.biasa la tu.
Awie Otak
MotoMalaya, yg R15 v2.0 tu da nak kuar ke x??? Sebelum ada follow gak post yg pasal fz baru nih, kat dlm post tu ada gambar mcm R15 v2.0….hmm…agak2 kuar ke???
Fathur Razi
top speed 120 ..hahaha
Motor upin ipin
ramai peminat Honda yg tggu CBR150 Streetfire akan sambar yg ni
harap2 harga dia bawah rm9riban ler….kalu tak aku sambar klx150 ler gamaknyer….
yeay dapat naik motor baru pergi maple.
so far yes. EFI.
FZ150i memang dari mula2 keluar first model lampu bulat dulu dah EFI bang
ye ek…hehehe.mmg nk angkat fz pn p kje
Semakin hodoh.
kat luar maybe npk cantik kot. pendpt saya le.
cantik aa, lg lawo banding dulu.
susah nak puaskan hati manusia ni….. lantak ko la….. hahahhahahaa
kalao R15 faring tak akan’ ada org complain.