I got this info from a very strong source. I wish I could be at the launch event. Green biking era might just become very real soon. Check out the previous test drive here:
Category: ctric
Posted on by eddy
Modenas CTRic (pronounced citric) has been made available for test ride at the Modenas Carnival last few week at GTMax Motor, Shah Alam. I have taken the opportunity to test ride since I have never ride an electric bike before. The test ride are great since it gives me a feel of how electric bike…
Posted on by eddy
On July 2, 2010, Malaysian newspaper, New Strait Times, has released this news about Modenas electric bike built on Modenas CT chassis. It features 1kW of motor (equivalent to 1.34hp). The battery can be charged from zero based to fully charged for 3.5 hours. At 39cent per charge, CTRIC can be taken to 65km (my…