Indonesian riders will get one more bike update for 2015 and this time it is Honda with its CB150R. The CB150R is a beautiful bike from Honda with a Trellis frame that is not the usual favourite type from the Japanese market. It is said to be unveiled today 5th August in Indonesia. Pics and…
Category: CB150R StreetFire
Posted on by eddy
PT Astra Honda of Indonesia has updated their website with this 2013 Honda beauty, the CB150R Streetfire. We have written earlier about this Trellis frame beauty here(opens in new page), so check it out. There are 4 colours to choose for. Speedy White, Lightning White, Astro Black and Furios Red. The one I like the…
Posted on by eddy
Finally, the Trellis frame Honda has come out after about a year of rumors and denial about it in the webspace. It is named Honda CB150R StreetFire and has just recently unveiled in JMCS (Jakarta Motorcycle Show). This trellis frame for a Honda with 150cc engine is quite rare since Honda prefer to use the…