2014 KTM RC200 vs 2015 KTM RC250 vs 2015 KTM Duke 250 Specs Comparison


How much difference is the KTM RC200 vs RC250? KTM website actually enables you to compare the specs of the bike you choose. In this case, I have check out the RC200 vs RC250 and added the Duke 250 just to see what else is different.

One of the most important thing that we want to see is how much the power differs and what is the bore x stroke comparison of the RC200 and RC250.

We can see that the KTM RC200 produces 25hp, while the RC250 comes with bigger output as expected at 31hp. That is 6hp increase which can provides better room for acceleration and enjoyment. The RC200 top speed is at 135km/h (as told by my RC200 rider friend), so, we can expect the RC250 to be topped at 150km/h maybe?  The RC200 and RC250 bore is the same at 72mm. It differs in the stroke length where RC200 is at 49mm and RC250 at 61.1mm. Is this the same engine and enlarged? No. The RC200 is based on RC125 engine and upsized to bigger displacement at 199.5cc. On the other hand, the RC250 is based on RC390 engine and downsized to 248.8cc. rc250-rc200-duke250-tech-specs2via: http://www.ktm.com/my/model-comparison/benefit//compare/Product.html

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