The Yamaha Jupiter MX King 150 has officially landed to Indonesia. After seeing the first introduction in Vietnam with the name of Exciter 150 FI, this moped is making waves on other region in Asean. Yamaha Jupiter MX King is a very interesting bike for the market here in Asean as we are always in love with practical but powerful bikes. This MX King 150 could a bike that suits the statement of ‘one size fits all’. The seating ergonomics is not too high or too low. Almost everyone can ride this and be happy with it (but then, everyone have different tastes in bikes).
The Jupiter MX King 150 is the successor of the very popular Yamaha Jupiter MX 135 (Exciter in Vietnam, Spark 135 in Thailand, 135LC in Malaysia or T135 as the internal code name). Almost everything is being upgraded from the its predecessor. The Jupiter MX King 150 gets a new chassis, new engine with bigger capacity at 150cc and new wheels, and this is fitting to say that this is the ‘All New Bike’ from Yamaha stable. Even with a lot changes in and out of the Jupiter MX King 150, it is still recognisable as the high performance super sports moped just like the T135.
The icing on the cake is the Jupiter MX King 150 as it features a more premium accessories than the Jupiter MX 150. Both of the bike carries the same engine and all the important technical aspect like the brakes and engine where both is manual clutch equipped. The differences of the Jupiter MX King lies in the accesories only like the usage of halogen HS1 headlight, LED fairing light and gold colour caliper. You can check the table below:

The engine of the 2015 Yamaha Jupiter MX King 150 is liquid-cooled 4-stroke 4-valve SOHC engine which have used a lot of technology from the previous model. What is great about the engine from Yamaha is that it is easy to be tuned as there are a lot of aftermarket parts available for it. For now, there is still not much aftermarket parts for this model, but I’m thinking it will be available in just few months.
One feature of the Jupiter MX King 150 is the use of ‘Humanic Meter’ which can display ‘Hi buddy’ or any character no more than six letter which you can input it yourself. The 2014 Yamaha FZ150i already have this feature but it can only display ‘Hi bro’.
The rear tail light is nice with that LED and you should also notice the rear signal indicator shows that it is in sharp triangle shape. The one fitted to the Jupiter MX 150 is in the oval shape.
After reading this, you might be asking whether this will make it to Malaysia or not. For now, I’m not sure but there is hope.
2015 Yamaha Jupiter MX 150
2015 Yamaha Jupiter MX King 150
2015 Yamaha Jupiter MX King 150 (150LC) Technical Specification:
Engine | 4 stroke, 4 valve, SOHC, liquid-cooled |
Cylinder layout | Single-cylinder |
Capacity | 149.7cc |
Bore x stroke | 57.0 x 58.7 mm |
Compression ratio | 10.4:1 |
Power | 11.3 kW (15.4 PS) / 8,500 RPM |
Torque | 13.8 N·m (1.4 kgf·m) / 7,000 RPM |
Starter | Electric |
Lubrication | Oil |
Oil capacity | 0.95 lít |
Fuel capacity | 4.2 lít |
Fuel delivery | Injection (1 injector) |
Ignition | T.C.I (Digital) |
Final transmission | – |
Clutch system | Wet centrifugal |
Transmission ratio | 1st: 2.833 2nd: 1.875 3rd: 1.429 4th: 1.143 5th: 0.957 |
Gearing | 5-speed |
Frame | Steel type diamond structure |
Tyres | 70/90-17M/C 38P / 120/70-17M/C 58P (tubeless) |
Front brake | Hydraulic disc (diameter 245.0 mm) |
Rear brake | Hydraulic disc (diameter 203.0 mm) |
Front suspension | Telescopic |
Rear suspension | Monocross |
Front light | Halogen 12V 35/35W×1 |
Dimension | 1,970 mm × 670 mm × 1,080 mm |
Seat height | 780 mm |
Wheelbase | 1,290 mm |
Dry weight | 115 kg |
Ground clearance | 135mm |
via: , tmcblog , and Yamaha Motor Indonesia FB
bapak ah.. pehal murah sngt kat indon bai… untung sngt diaorg…
krjn MY tibai riba melampau lampau…
murah giler kat indon
masuk malaysia sini campur tax mesti >rm8k
staro mana Mohd Lie
udoh hahah , relo naik lc lg
Oh yeah!
Kalau masuk malaysia mau jadi 10k nie.. Kerajaan la nie patut diundurkan…. Menindas rakyat
Mx king 150 baru rm5500 kat indon.
Salute Indonesia
Hafiz Aziz
Cntik lg fz150i, moto ni design x garang.. nmpak mcm skuter je.. naik fz nmpak mcm supebike huhu
Shukri Ramli cubA
Oi..xtido ko
Ngak…lg nonton
gilo lu
6k je kt indon..malaysia???
Malaysia? Mimpi kot nak dpt harga lebih kurang tu… Sakitnya tu di sini…
Malaysia bila lagi?????
Malaysia tgu ada gst bru depa nk msukk..hahahah
Eruan Bin Daud
Hlym in pipeline
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ada masalah tadi. sori bro. skrg dah ok. tq 4 ur support!
Waduh murahnya di indo… Di Vietnam harganya 9ribu ringgit Nggak?
emangnya harga BelangR berapa ya disana?
*salah sleng ni ..haha
Harga belang/suzuki satria FU Rp19.1jt = Rm5457 itu harga sudah termasuk ppn/gst 10%
Nk pegi balik kje, atau kegunaan harian santai2 beli la LC150, krana minyak jimat 2t x pakai
Nk race mlm mingu beli la 125z, krana kos modi sgt2 rndah, n senang seting utk lg laju
Parak parak enjoy..
nk dua dua.. pkai belang.. pndai setting dlm town dan hiway pun mantap
Maaf bkn menghina kalu pakai belang bila jual balik arga mmg down.. giler
tak yah la jual. pakai jela smpai hancur. kualiti suzuki terbaik
Need 6 speed
Design die…Mashaallah…x smart langsong
tu kat Indonesia….
Resource limit reached
dah ok skrg. check it out!
Thanks for informing! 🙂
Oh..masih x bole…huhuhu..
itula.. mcm dah jadi lagi.. InsyaAllah esok ok kot.
Dah ok pagi. Silalah semak.
Bwh Rm6K ? Wowwwwww
hmmm..msuk malaysia…tax…. 7k bro
kena plak gst.. perh memng untg la rakyat malaysia..
Harga mungkin rm7.5k kot selepas di gst
Rege lebey fz je t ni..rseny la
siap loan bagai sume 9k gak. haha
bapakkkkkkkkkkkk mahaaallll