Always loud and heads turner, Akrapovic, has already make the performance exhaust for 2014 Yamaha YZF-R25. The YZF-R25 is rumored to be launched in Malaysia on first quarter of 2015 and this is good to know that you can already see there are high performance parts are available for you to tune the R25. Akrapovic S-Y2SO11-AHCSS Slip-on exhaust system will make sure you can extract few more horsepower from the engine, at the same time, save few weight from the stock exhaust and also give it a proper sound track.Quality from Akrapovic is always high and they always use the more expensive metal for the exhaust construction. This makes the price of the Akrapovic is always higher than the other. This one, I estimated should be price around RM3,500. No official price yet from Akrapovic in Malaysia.
huii..siap2 menabung noohhh..
Estimate price only. Maybe could be as low as RM1,000
Slip on 3500? high n lubricant must be joking..? This is more expensive than r6 megaphone slip on..
Ag Mohd Rizal perghhh dah macam M1
Suku pertama 2015 bulan berapa?
Edison Vogues Lennet
Tak silap ada satu brader cakap orang Indonesia dengan Thailand tak sabar nak race moto 250cc untuk ARRC tahun depan. Kalau R25 tak masuk Malaysia macam mana team Malaysia yang pakai Yamaha nak race? Takkan pakai Kawasaki dan Honda je? Lagipun Singapore kemungkinan besar dapat R3 sebab lesen moto 2B diorang sampai 200cc je (dan 2A 400cc). Jadi daripada masuk 250cc baik masuk 300cc terus.
hahaha..kawa buat gila keluarkan 4 dapur nanti mesti susah ymaha nak jual..bek suruh yamaha release date awal
Top 300km/j…wakaka
kompom msuk mesia? topspeed mto ni brape ar?
FaIsal HazwAnie
bila nk masuk market Malaysia ne….lmbt benar…
kempen menabung boleh bermula drp skg
dh byk test ride dh…
Farhan Borhan…ngam..xjd la rp1gp..huhu..
masuk la..aku pnah jmpe dua kali da diorg tgh test kat highway area sg.buloh n semua hitam dgn no plat yamaha pun da kompem ckp nk bwk masuk dgr ckp org singapore ke?
Betul ke masuj malaysia.. Coz dgr ura2 ckp hnya msuk singapore
Mohd Hafiz Mohamad Zabidi..tahun depan..wuuuhuuuu
Perghhh slip on je dh 3.5k……akrapobic betul haaa
Syahir Muzni
Motor ni harap jgn jatuh harga mahal2 dr z250 sudah le.
sama harga full system..
Bape harge anggaran motor ni?
Betulke masuk tahun depan
Zaraki Kenpachi: jom.. wat p mancing..
Torque Wrench Malaya
Kopi Tarek my dream, haha