The wait is over. Hong Leong Yamaha Malaysia (HLYM) has finally bring us the awaited 2014 Yamaha FZ150i with the new refreshed facelift that is already released earlier in Indonesia. Many riders in Malaysia who looking for a great fuel-efficient 150cc bikes are holding up their money to wait for this bike. In Indonesia, this bike is named as the Yamaha V-ixion Lightning to distinguish itself from its predecessor.
One feature highlight of this model is the inclusion of the rear disc brake that has been requested for so long by riders who have been following the bike industry in Malaysia. The use of the brake will give a better braking power and at the same time makes it looks sportier. You can also see the exhaust heat cover are now given a new design and the muffler end tip are also different.
The wheels are also different with the use of 10-spoke star-like design that is wider. The wheels are now measures 90/80-17 for the front and 120/70-17 for the rear.
The engine are now a little bit different with few upgrades on a number of components. The fuel injection system are now IPA 1 as compared to the previous 3CI system. The ignition are now TCI as compared to the previous CDI system (UPDATED: It is already TCI since the first FZ150i model. Info from FSR Technology). This actually makes the engine behave differently and now the horsepower has increased to 12.2kW (11.1kW previously) and torque at 14.5Nm (13.1Nm previously). So, this 2014 Yamaha FZ150i actually carries a different engine on its frame. Oh, the frame is still the same diamond-type as of the previous 2008 model.
The dashboard will also be a new sight to be hold for the upcoming owner of this bike. It is now features a digital speedometer and a big rev meter that makes it looks very race like and actually very nice. I think this meter looks like the one fitted to the Yamaha YZF-R1. The 2008 FZ150i carries the two circle display that shows the speed and the rev counter which feels outdated. This kind of the digital+analog combo is a welcome addition to this bike for the next kind of features that should be fitted to all Yamaha models.
The key lock are now also upgraded with the key-shutter system for a better security of the bike from theft. At least, it can makes the thief to take more time to do something to your bike. All Yamaha bikes should features this kind of key-shutter system and by saying that, I think, all of the Yamaha bikes in their lineup already have this kind of system except the 125Z.
The overall look of this bike is sportier and this can be contributed by the use of the redesigned fuel tank that is higher and sharper. It complement the overall looks of the bike that shows its racy sportiness.
Everything is looking good for this bike and could be the one that is going off the selves quickly with the nice design and more power.
2014 FZ150i Technical Specification
Type 4-Stroke, Liquid-cooled, SOHC, 4-Valve Cylinders Displacement Bore x Stroke Compression Ratio Maximum Horsepower Maximum Torque Starting System Lubrication System Engine Oil Capacity Fuel Tank Capacity Ignition System Cooling System Battery Capacity Type |
Type Manual Primary Reduction Ratio Secondary Reduction Ratio Gear Ratios Clutch Type Speed Type |
Frame Type Diamond Overall Length Overall Width Overall Height Seat Height Wheelbase Min. Ground Clearance Dry Weight |
Front and Rear Single Disc |
Front Telescopic Rear |
Front 90/80 – 17 M/C 46P tubeless Rear |
2014 Yamaha FZ150i price is RM8,538 (basic). For comparison, the 2012 Yamaha FZ150i is RM8,544.95 OTR.
Source: GearJahat:, Nurhazah and Shuhir. Thanks a lot!
Hahahaha.. bisa diatur. Sedang keliru mau angkat kaler apa.
Dah tengok dah bro. Tunggu brightwill kol bila motor dh sampai..hehehe..
Affeirul Encik Galol
mai along bawak dulu
Affeirul Alfiqry Azizan mai tengok sini
kaler putih oren tu nampak cheapo..
Ezrin Bahri…bro…kita boleh amik y ni..hehe
Kedai Kita Rider baca info nye kt sini..hehe..
oh ok
De Afiq Wal Mariam
sat p check kt aeon blh loan lg x..
Oberschutze Zachaer Fydor
Hentam z800@1000 la nk laju…
semakin ke belakang…
rakyat malaysia x nak motor bogel.. nak full fairing.. ini motor dah bertahun kat indon ngan india, baru tahun ni nak masuk Malaysia. Masuklah sekali yang full fairing.. Yamaha marketing poor
sape la yg suruh bwk msok model ni..mcm mane otak dia pikir..patut ar rr byk kat jln
Penjaga Kubur boleh la tukarr
Faqhrul HafizAmaranthus Retroflexus.. 8k ++ ? wtfffff !
Muhammad Aiman Asyraf
Mohd Shazwan Md Noh
My fav
Bikers Kental
tgu special edition or motogp edition dulu la..kikiki
Oh…malu nye
Ejul Pakdin ni aq dh tau awal2..hahaha
Syafiz Potgieter Adib Uzir angkat lah ni!
serius? tp lmpu lepu laaahhhh
Syerzz Lerz must see
Awang Hitam
Bangang punya gomen..hong Leong pun ngok x jual model 250…kalau x ley compare dgn Kawasaki, Honda, KTM, sym,naza blade dll.. Pastu harga mahal mengarut drp negara jiran…pengguna jgk yg rugi
Muhammad Sabil
Tak lawo…bawak lah masok fz160 bru cun…
FZ16 enjin 153cc je, 2-valve air-cooled (bukan pakai radiator macam FZ150i dengan LC) dengan carburetor.
design memang lawa, tp teknologi enjin agak kebelakang
kena kencing lagi kite
Jilaka bawak masuk R15 teruih kan senang…
Nimota ck9 still the best design ever bhahaha
design Nimota CK9 = design Yamaha FZ16/Byson
Kamaruddin Mahdaee , eh ubah mo mlm du ka ?
Mia Al-Fayyadh
masuk fairing r15 dah cun dah ni..fz ni kira version 2 la kan?
Singa Laut
kat bahagian enjin nampak mcm kosong..tu yg buat x cantik..
Muhd Mufattah Shafi
Takluk Jagat
hong leong nak modal sikit untung banyak.. sebab tu bawak model naked je.. kos jimat..
pada kaki modified
ni fz ke bro?
uish…smart gila..huhu
klu kat msia ni mau 4ribu jgak nak wat camni..
Taufiq Maria
hong leong nak modal sikit untung banyak.. sebab tu bawak model naked je.. kos jimat.. padahal kat india model r150 dah macam r6..
hampa~~prefer hly kuar yzf r150..bior berfairing sikit..ade rope sportsbike
FZ baru ni pun dah dekat RM9k, nanti masuk R15 v2 agak2nya kalau harga RM10k-11k ade orang nak beli ke? kang ramai pulak kata “mahal giler, tak laju pulak tu.. baik beli Kips RR”
kawasaki ninja 250 mono LAGI tere
Aisyah Puji.. Ok x? Baru
There seems to be an error in the article: “The ignition are now TCI as compared to the previous CDI system”
The old FZ150i is also using a TCI spark system, not CDI.
Ayie Azri
A’ameer Hamzah Harunarrsheed
Macam motor gaben je…. keluar yg uoro pnye tue Rs125 Fz tue…. x pun yg kt india tau indon tue….. btul x kwn2…?
Kalau nak ngaku negara maju gomen, pengedar n pengeluar kena la bwk masuk product yg up to date ikut worldwide market…bukan jual product yg ketinggalan zaman n just tukar stripe….pastu komponen pun dikurangkan….mangkok betul!!!
Moped injection pun,Gomen tak bagi sehinggalah Modenas keluar injection version sb tu lah 10 tahun ke belakang…
fz16 much better design takpela pakai carb pun..
Meter macam R1 sebijik :3
Lawa sikit dr yg lame
Mohd Faizuł
Rakyat indon hampir 300 juta, rakyat malaysia 30 juta. Walaupun kuasa membeli kurang tapi pasaran dia besar, jual kepala keretapi pun ada orang beli
Hehehe…kalau keluar 250cc mungkin ramai yang ngaga..xbanyak beza mana dari model sebelum ni….mcm juga lc… Yg beza cuma v2 5speed…v2 4speed sama je mcm v1 punya…beza coverset dengan sedikit beza pada carb…lupe…harga v1 2006 on road sekitar 5600 sekarang?
Rohaimi Remi
makin mahal pulak….. adoi..
Muhammad Ikhwan Hakim
Aku rasa hong leong kalau boleh semua motor dia nak jual kat malaysia ni….tp apa sebab byk product yamaha tidak di jual
balik2 naked, full fairing xmo masukkan ke ? pffffffff
Buruk…cb150 lg lawa….Kat indon dah launch r15 cket hair r25….Malaysia baru nak launch moto x cukup part…bangang punya hong leong
Kick Starter xde? Hmmm pelik
Kick Starter xde? Hmmm pelik
Kick Starter xde? Hmmm pelik
Sky Jus Argentum Nitrate
Sky Jus Argentum Nitrate
Sky Jus Argentum Nitrate
Btul ke org kata fz150 lagi laju dari duke200cc?
duke 20 hp…fz baru 16 hp
FZ tak laju laa
fz modi boleh.
Lyzie Miswan
equal with 2633 USD? wew
Oh man, finally!
xminat rr di hati