I have been using Yamaha 135LC Extreme Spirit 5-speed for almost for 4 month now. I have made a wish to myself that I will buy a new first model of this Yamaha 135LC Extreme Spirit 5-speed, and now my wish has been granted. My review will focus on my experience and knowledge about this popular bike starting from the first day I get it out from the shop to this day. Previously, I have been writing about Yamaha 135LC Extreme Spirit 5-speed, whether it is a good buy or not here. For me, the answer is both yes and no. Why?
The Yamaha 135LC Extreme Spirit 5-speed as we all know comes with 5-speed transmission. The clutch lever position and the softness of the clutch feels very good and it is very easy to control the power from the engine to rear tyre with it. My gripe is that sometime I miss the Neutral gear when I want to park my bike, even though the gear shift is smooth, but when I want to change to gear ‘2’ while riding it, it easily slips to ‘N’ position. Maybe its me that is not good with the gear play.
I was once want to say that this bike is ‘Corner Master’ since it features the wide rear tyre that helps cornering and handling of the bike, but taking low angle cornering with this stock tyre is not recommended. I suggest you to get Battlax BT090 to the rear tyre that you can have Cub Prix style cornering which is very low angle attack. Wide rear tyre also helps in terms of balance and control when you have pillion rider. On narrow tyre, you will feel that is not easy to take corner when you have pillion rider, but with this IRC NR82 2.50 wide rear tyre, you will feel the balance and control are as much as the same like you are riding alone. Having wide have is side effect too since it is heavier and this will make the top speed is lower than what we can expect from this bike.

The overall body design of this bike is aerodynamic and it look like it is angry. This is due to the pilot light at the fairing that is now smaller and longer. The aerodynamic of this bike are good with many lines on the body that is used for better airflow. In my eyes, I think the design of this Yamaha 135LC Extreme Spirit 5-speed is very nice and for me, it looks better everyday. The thing that I think need to be worked out by Yamaha engineers is to make a better tail light. The Y125ZR have the most beautiful tail light design of all time.
The meter cluster at first looks like a lamp bulb and this have been talked a lot in many forums and blogs. I ‘m okay with this meter setup, but I think they can do better. The meter actually works well in terms of helping you with the information about the bike. The gear position indicator, signal indicator and fuel meter are visible and easy to read in any condition. The backlight illuminates even in daylight after you switched on the key and this is good for safety. The front pilot light at the fairing will also illuminates as soon as you turn the key to ‘On’ position even if the bike is not being started yet. Looks cool! The key also have shutter that keeps you bike a little bit safer than the previous model. The underseat key hole anyway is being put at the back. It is not 3-way key like I expect it when I first see it. This is actually good, since sometime we have lock our bike and need to keep our helmet locked under the seat helmet pin. So, no need to re-open the bike lock just to open the underseat. The thing that I hate about the key is that it is too long and it is not easy to keep inside my pocket. Also, long key are easily bent when you misplaced and step on it.
One thing that I need to say here is about the basket from BKP, that I think you all should install. This is because you can fully open your seat without it hitting the basket! This is good since sometime we need to hold the seat with our head when we are trying to fill up the fuel.
About the top speed, yes, it is can go only up to 120km/h only. I have test this and I managed to get 115km/h on straight riding position. It can go further to 120km/h if you ride it in ‘G’ (tunduk) position. Due to this issue, many have think to modified their ride. I’m thinking to install the Yoshimura exhaust pipe to this Yamaha 135LC Extreme Spirit 5-speed, but some modification is needed since the length of the exhaust manifold for this bike is longer. I wish there is plug and play Yoshimura available.
If we take out the top speed factor, this bike power is very satisfactory. The torque are enormous. The way the power are delivered also good with the application of the butterfly slide carburetor, the Mikuni BS25. You can have rapid throttle opening just like scooter with this carb. You will not feel the bike hungry for more fuel. The power is there anytime and every time you twist the throttle. You twist, it goes. You twist, it goes. It just feels great. I like the feeling of this bike in 2nd gear all the way to 4th gear. The pickup is one of the best I have felt for a moped bike. Some people ask me whether this bike is easy to ride it slowly like at 20km/h, and I have test this in 3rd gear and I can tell you that you can ride it in 20km/h in 3rd gear without jerk feel. It just feels smooth. You can also hear the engine in nice sound when it is driven slow.
The engine sound of this Yamaha 135LC Extreme Spirit 5-speed are not as silent as I thought at first. It is much more rough than the 4-speed version. The 4-speed engine sound is soft and feels like a sponge, whereby this 5-speed sounds a little bit like metal grinding each other. I have checked the oil and everything is in good condition.
The switch panel of this Yamaha 135LC Extreme Spirit 5-speed is also an area that Yamaha needs to improve. In my opinion, it is not user-friendly and not easy to use. I have Lagenda 115ZR and I think it has better switch panel. You can read my article about it here.
Fuel consumption are one of the best from Yamaha for this bike. I can get 130km for full tank that is about RM6 (RON95 fuel price is RM1.90/l). I have tested this many times and that the number that I get. For a bike that is enjoyable and having large capacity 135cc, this number is good.
The performance of this Yamaha 135LC Extreme Spirit 5-speed is very satisfactory. I need to tell you again that the pickup and torque are enormous and it feels there are too much power of it. This makes you wonder why the top speed is at 120km/h only. Yes, we know that the speedometer is heavier than the previous model, but I think it should get 140km/h in standard form. Where have all the power gone when we step to the 5th gear? That is what I feel about the top speed. Other than that, I really like the performance of this bike. It is a Corner Master, Acceleration Monster but not Top Speed Machine.
So, is it a good buy?
Yes, for me this bike fits the statement of a great riding machine. The acceleration and handling of the bike are superb.
No, just because the top speed. I just wish it got more. 140km/h should be enough for me.
I hope my writings here will give a little or more info about the Yamaha 135LC Extreme Spirit 5-speed for you all. This is based on my experience and knowledge about this bike. If there are any mistake or anything that you want to say about it, feel free to comment.
You can also read more about Yamaha 135LC here.
UPDATE (30/11/2011):I’ll be answering your question on the comment as below:
Answers to your Questions:
1. Haziq Faris: What type of sidemirror did you use on your motorcycle?
Answer: The original 2006-2010 Yamaha 135LC side mirror.
2. Haziq Faris: And why the paper clip are on the basket??
Answer:Check out the picture below.

here i got a question,what is the best size for LC135 es’rear tyre? i think the rear tyre will affect my speed,now my speed only get 105km/h!If there is any comment please send it to my email: ericwongsiesing@gmail.com. thanks…
Hi all, i had 2011 new LC 4 speed and plan to change to LC ES 5 speed due to its stylish design, additional speed with rear disc brake, is it worth of changing it? Thanks.
Said here the meter light and small headlight lids up when switch on the keys without starting. Is it the same as
with the taillights then??
We just cant have everything in a single package. to beat y125z maybe some modification is necessary but what is the point. even a modified ex5 can beat a standard 135lc. to go faster without any modification, just get a superbike. with the price tag of this bike, i could say that we get what we paid for.
best comment of all. The truth and the real facts…
you’re right bro…i’ve daily used it for 3 month, this bike is better in stock condition.a perfect moped..n just modified my 2nd bike 125z 05 to 1km sprint mode (for fun jer)..i tell you man…its very hard to belive that 4 stroke can beat 2 stroke in modified level (open or std) ..its like a mith..but if its true, the cost is huge.not worth in game.need lots of maintenance more than 2 stroke…better go for 250cc n above.. dont forget to ask ur pockets first
i’ve use my LC 5 speed for nearly 8mth. i usng the brt cdi and change my rear tyre into 90/80. i got top speed 130-135 km/h. for me this bike is the best.
Hi.. nice bike there.. i have 1 too :D.. may i know where you buy that BKP basket? i have annoying problem to hold my seat while refuelling gas on my bike. email me at ray4556@gmail.com. thanks.
I have my own LC135 ES 5 SPEED,the only i want to say is the acceleration and the corner are best of the best underbone bike that i ever had found,the PROBLEM is the TOP SPEED is only 120km/h(my weight is 76KG),.so what is the best way to speed up the bike until 140km to 170km?,.i need any suggestion,beside changing CDI,what else can I do?,..i wish i can beat 125ZR and RXZ,..i know this bike is heavy and can go faster than the standard one,but i can tell you that this bike have something special that can beat 2stroke machine,..any idea how to make LC135 ES faster?.
My advice is to stick with the stock condition of the bike. If you want to go faster, Y125ZR is the better choice but at the expense of fuel efficiency.
Y125ZR is faster,but the designery and the the shape of the 125 was not satisfied enough for me :(…i know 125 is much faster than 135,however 125 was beaten by 135ES from stylish and desginery aspect,…i would vote 125ZR for its speed but not from desginery aspect,and i would choose 135ES for its designery,..for fuel efficiency,i already now that 125ZR is “fast-sucking-fuel” machine because i already try my cousin bike and it was fast,…any idea just to make the 135ES faster little bit?..any cut-off has been made by this bike?
my top speed is 125kmh only. cannot go 130kmh. someone said this 135lc 5 speed must use cdi racing specially made for this bike. price around rm650++. is it true ?? so expensive maa
What type of engine oil should i use to maintain top condition of this bike?
@fuyiho yes, that’s normal bro.
Hi Eddy, I want to ask you a question, I owned the Yamaha 135LC ES 5-speed 5 days ago, the problem is the fuel needle won’t turn down when it already switch OFF, the fuel needle still on the Full position. Is This normal? Normally I know when all the bike switch OFF the fuel needle will turn down to Empty position.
hi eddy,
i’ve found the fuel consumption to be better than expected. i logged 150km before the gauge needle hit the
red zone, which according to the manual means there’s 1 litre of petrol left. that’s surprisingly good
for town riding, and especially if you’re coming from a 2-stroke bike.
but i can’t verify until i’ve ridden the bike more. it’s a great ride, for sure. great bike blog btw. keep up the
good work, man.
There is a cut-off for sure. I think government try to control ‘mat rempit’ from going wild again. This is the model that win motor GP. no way it is trash like that. People says.. it is because of its CDI being set to have cut-off on 120 km/h. I just feel it not only the CDI. still searching around. had a story that 1 mat rempit in terengganu manage to tapau Y125Z full modi using LC 135 ES that being modified. He must have manage to find where is the cut-off point in total. hurmmm…… the problem with mat rempit is.. they will not share their research secret as it is they point of winning
im considering having this bike. maybe having clutch 5 speed
like it new looks.
120km/h is same as CBR150R? if so, it is good to have this
I owned LC 135 ES. Distance traveled by now is 5000 ++..
my top is max at 110 KM/h..
If anyone has good reason for these..??
Maybe some suggestions to increse the speed?? some modification??
Please anyone
i love 135lc es. gogogo!!! haha..
5 speed lc fitted with yoshimura.. not 100% perfectly fitted.. but can use with ease..
No way the top speed is 120kph. I have a friend with the 4-speed Auto clutch version. He can reach 140kph.
Yes. It is true. In fact the 4-speed is faster thanthe 5-speed. That the truth that is hard to swallow. Even for me.
which 4 speed do you mean? The old one or 2011 4 speed version?
why is the 2010 lc135 faster than the 2011 lc35 4-speed? and if the meter of the 5-speed is heavier, shouldn’t the speed of the 140kph 4-speed and 120kph 5-speed bikes be likely the same? the best is to have a gps (nokia maps, garmin) be it a dedicated gps or just a gps application on a mobile phone, to measure the actual speed of the 2 bikes … just a suggestion …
is there a cut-off for the lc135 5-speed so that’s why you could only go max 120kph with the bike? can it be removed?
thats right… the 4-speed is much faster than the 5-speed because i have a 4-speed 135lc and i can get to 160km/h but why you all say the 4-speed top speed is 140km/h ? just saying….. no hard feelings