The stock side mirror that comes with the bike is very high and have long neck. It must be replaced with a shorter and lower side mirror.
On my visit to Storm Bikers, Shah Alam, I found this Kuni foldable side mirror on sale at only RM12.
Even though the side mirror is foldable, I didn’t fold it because I do use the side mirror to look behind me especially on high speed. Many bikers like to remove their side mirror so that they bike look nice, but you should know that you might get fined by the JPJ or traffic police. At least you need to have one side mirror on the right side of your bike to be road legal.
11 more pictures after the jump
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side mirror ori simpan r bro,,t da kne rembat mnyesal x sudah..hu3..skg ni moto aku xde sidemirror sbb aku bkk sbb tkot kne curik..pkai side mirror lipat 2 mcm ok gak eak..
nmpak style, tapi masih sayang kt side mirror ori