A nice tail tidy setup for 2015 Yamaha YZF-R25. As you notice, there is the integrated tail light. Integrated tail light is actually a one piece setup that integrates brake light and signal light. This means that you no longer need to use the ugly separated signal like the stock.
Price at RM350 and available at KHM Kian Huat, Padang Jawa. This is NOT a sponsored post. I share because I like the setup.
Via: Khm Kian Huat FB
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sape kata R25 laju wakakaka
looks aside, unfortunately the turn indicators are not bright enough since the light cover is too heavily smoked/tinted.a friend of mine is using the exact same integrated tail light on his R25, and I can say daylight visibility is VERY bad. you wouldn’t notice the turn indicators lighting up until the very last 50m before you’re heading straight to bike’s behind
Somebody needs to come up with a higher visibility tail light
There are already better ones available in the market
an example of a better one
Ke ninja dah buat kot
Jpj approved?
Hilmi Zack
Tu la….bley buang mud guard ngan signal da
Mna bley….abam2 la kna tgkap dlu….hihihihi
it looks nice but wouldn’t it be difficult for the vehicle behind to see? The signal lights looks kinda small
350..next month saja.baru lepas pasang cover seat
Buang la plate holder tu skali..haha
Klo ade gmba full ok gak..ni mcm zoom sgt la min,xbpe nk nmpk sgt cmne rpe die..
Dh bkk la min..gmba sme mcm preview je..tp xtau la klo tenet sye yg slow min..haha
Cmni je yg ade..mksd sye klo ade yg dr tepi ke,atau dr pndgn yg jauh ckit ke..hehe..jgn mrah min