Honda CBR150R has been given life once again with this update for the 2015 model. Spied at Indonesia and reported by tmcblog, the CBR150R are available in at least 2 variant which is black and Repsol edition. Based on just the sole image of the spyshot, how can you know it is not CBR250R?
I was looking for the differences and also the sign of ‘150’ sticker anywhere but there is none to be found. Luckily, there is one difference that can confirm that this is the upcoming 2015 Honda CBR150R which is slated to be launched at Indonesia tomorrow.

Look at the exhaust muffler of the 2014 Honda CBR250R. Compared it with the spyshot above. You can see that the exhaust muffler of the CBR250R is enclosed in metal casing, whereby the CBR150R spyshot shows that the exhaust muffler is in black colour and covered by muffler protecter in metal colour.
We are hoping that Honda will use an all new engine to fit this bike that can provides more power and better fuel economy.
Will this make its way to Malaysia? I don’t know. The price? Estimated around IDR 43million or RM11,628.00.
Besar n berat,xberbaloi pun,Klu kt jb berlambak moto no plate sg,lc ngn Honda wave selamba je potong
Berbanding dgn Indonesia, Malaysia rakyat sedikit, volume sales x sebnyk Indonesia. Manufacturer mestilah launch kt market yg lagi besar.
cbt150r double eyeskeen launching hari sabtu besok di Indonesia..
CB250F masuk malaysia x?
Rm11k utk 150cc? Mahal gile. Bek amik 250cc terus
BSH lebih fokus pada sbk CBU
Kalaulah masuk Malaysia mesti pakai carburetor, cut off 110km/h, brake disk depan kecil (atau brak belakang pakai drum) dan tayar pakai tiub. Macam tak biasa dengan BSH.
Top speed dapar 130km/j dop?
Bwk msuk la, Yamaha slesa sgt dgn sales FZ skrg ni…
Xpyah msok la..da bnyk sgt da ni
Belum ada khabar atau ura2 samada CBR150R yg menarik ini akan datang ke Malaysia.
Sorry honda fans… dah buruk kat negara org.. baru terhegeh2masuk malaysia..
Honda Malaysia slow sgt daaaa….
Mai la Malaysia
indon lg…
Hahahahahah Honda Returns! Rabbit Jr. Jr. Hahahaha Honda jahat Honda Jahat. Dulu untuk 150cc senyap jeeee.
Demsh*t punya Honda. Dulu tamau buat huhuhuhu
harganya berapa ? apa bersaing dengan yzf r15