Original brake caliper is expensive and they have been tested by the manufacturer to work in its best performance under extreme performance. The price of the brake caliper can goes from RM800 to RM2,000 per piece depends on the caliper configuration whether 1, 2 or 4-piston setup. It is also a prized item for thief. If it is being stolen, two things are going to happen; 1. You are going to ride home in the most unsafe riding mode and 2. You need to break your bank account to replace the caliper if the insurance doesn’t cover it.
You can minimise the chance of the brake caliper being stolen by using this safety bolt to replace the stock bolt to your caliper to the fork.
This safety bolt contains all the pieces for you to replace the stock caliper bolt. For Z800, you’ll have 2 front caliper and 1 rear caliper and this safety bolt kit contains all the pieces you need.
You can contact Mr Gotenz at 012-571 3802 to get this safety bolt kit at RM150.
Papa Insyirah Chomel
sekarang banyak hilang… hmm
Orang cerita curik pump bukan curik motor.
Kunci kt disc mmg senyum la pencuri.hehe..pling cap ayam pn kunci kt lubang sproket blkg.lmbt cikit nk curi.
Manusia sekarang kirang membaca. Semua dok sibuk ngan gajet.
Kevin Wwm
safety first..
baru2 ni membe baru hilang moto, membe kunci kat brake disc dpan, hmba Allah tu plak gi buka roda, cbut disc, pastu bwak lari
Baca jangan tak baca penat habiskan masa kat sekolah rendah enam tahun utk belajar membaca
Hifzan Hisham
Baca bg habis dulu. Bru tanya. Nombo fon ada tu
Kat mana ada juai