This was supposed to be a closed event for dealers but here it is the picture of the 3-cylinder 850cc Yamaha MT-09 that has been previewed in KL, Malaysia. Rumors said that this bike is going to be CKD and the price is going to be low. Some even says that it is even below RM50k.
Said to be launched by the end of this year.
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Where is 250mono?
KokCheng Motor terima kasih atas maklumat tersebut. Harga agak2?
HLY x beritau actual price, MT-09 pon sama, tapi dia beritau harge jualan saaaangat2 menarik.
Maybe RM35k, dan RM45k.
Maybe RM35k, dan RM45k.
Salam, HLY ade beritau pasal MT-07 akan masuk sebagai CKD jugak, tapi pada tahun 2015.
really hope is in 50k range.
Entah la Azmil Hazwan Ahmad Tarmizi..harap2 masuk ckd la
Mt-07 bile masuk AMir Faisal
I want mt-07