115cc nouvo lx nouvo s Yamaha Yamaha Nouvo with AR wheels Posted on November 23, 2012November 23, 2012 by eddy Front and rear disc brake. AR wheels fitted that probably priced higher than the bike itself. Update: The wheels is not GTO but AR as tipped by MM FB reader. Thanks guys! Via: Peminat Arai & Shoei FB Advertisements[wp_dfp_ad slot="mm_lb_03"]
rasenye still takleh lawan kawan aku aku punye lagi kot… nouvo LC arm custom ngan rim MBX…hehehe… aku kasi gambar sikit je…. hahaha…. [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/166122_1784532374028_371593_n.jpg[/img] Log in to Reply
rasenye still takleh lawan kawan aku aku punye lagi kot… nouvo LC arm custom ngan rim MBX…hehehe…
aku kasi gambar sikit je…. hahaha….
ini memang menarik!