Yamaha motorcycle price on the road (comprehensive insurance, road tax, registration etc).
Yamaha Lagenda 110Z (Kick) RM5103.60
Yamaha Lagenda 110Z (E) RM5420.68
Yamaha Lagenda 110ZR (E, S/rims) RM5737.75
Yamaha 135LC RM6911.50
Yamaha 135LC ES RM7022.18
Yamaha Ego S RM5227.63
Yamaha Nouvo S RM5893.38
Yamaha Nouvo LC RM6670.33
Yamaha 125ZR RM7307.26
Yamaha RX-Z RM8143.08
Yamaha FZ-150i RM8444.95
OTR = On The Road, including road tax and third-party all riders insurance.
All prices are correct at the time of writing as taken from www.masterbikers.com. This pricelist can be downloaded here.
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