KYT Galaxy Slide is an open face helmet with a sun visor included to make it available to protect you from the sun in the day but clear enough to be worn in the night. I always liked a clear visor helmet that comes with sun visor and it seems that many are now adopting the feature. A good helmet must provide all around comfort and the sun visor features really adds the comfort level up. Read more about it after the jump with lots of pictures:
On the above picture, you can see the sun visor is slided out.

There are few mechanisms available to slide out the sun visor but this one from KYT features an easy sliding mechanism fitted on the left side of the helmet. It is easy enough to use and the mechanism feels very solid to withstand the everyday abuse.
The padding of the one I’m using here is for the size of M, which fits my head perfectly. This is one of the most comfortable helmet padding I’ve tried for an open face helmet priced below RM300. The fitments is perfect for me, but it can be not suitable for you, so, when you are thinking to buy it, try it first. The padding and the insulation prevents the noise from the surrounding gets into the helmet and this make it one of the most silent open face helmet I’ve ever tried again! It can be good or bad. Some people like to wear Apollo helmet with that thin padding since they want to hear the surrounding and also hear their awesome exhaust note, but for long distance riding, a well noise insulated helmet is a good thing.
One interesting thing that I’ve found about this helmet is the clip on the fastener belt (tali pengikat dagu) that prevents the belt from flapping around. Without this clip, you will always get slapped by the belt to your neck when you are riding fast.
This is a great simple idea that works nicely when I tested it.
No worries for the safety regulation as it is JPJ approved with the E3 stamp.
Overall, I’m satisfied with this KYT Galaxy Slide open face helmet and can be my next daily helmet. It got good design, great fastener belt with clip, nice airflow all around it, safety approved and fits my head profile perfectly.
Price for KYT Galaxy Slide is RM211 and available via QBEE Motor (
Dh lama dh.. Yg ni la bini aku pakai skrg… Hehe
Dah kuar ke helmet ni Haizul Azral
Hanis Hazwan
Di idn boleh dpt harga stgh…
banding dengan givi? 2++ also?
Tak penah test lg Givi ni. Maybe satu hari nanti.
Mcm givi punye je
Farah quin?
Janji safety..
Kyt asalnyakn dari indonesia
Ko merepek apa kyt dari indon?
Memang hapa… kyt dr indon…siap iklan hari2 lg kat tv indon..majority indon gn kyt nih…!
Mmg dari Indonesia ni.
ada orang tak boleh terima kyt dari indonesia. hehehe
Hahaha syahril ,ko pg lah indon tnye tourist guide kt situ, brand Kyt ngn BMC helmet mmg brand sane lah , kilang pon kt sane ,
Aku pulak kene merepek hahahaha
Tak apa tu. Yamaha YZF-R25 pun dipasang di Indonesia juga.
Yup betul tu moto malaya
Syahril Shahiran, apa yg ko merepek?
luna maya pun dari Indonesia gak…krik2
Dulu pernah pakai KYT fullface, kualiti hampeh, tapi padan la ngan harga. Tapi yg galaxy slide ni nampak ok, rasa sesuai benar utk pakai daily ni.