Rafi Superbike has uploaded a test about this Scorpion RP-1 GP slip-on exhaust on his YT channel. I was amazed to hear the sound of the Kawasaki ZX6R 636 fitted with Scorpion RP-1 GP that really feels like the acceleration sound of a MotoGP bike. It got that nice top end scream just before you hit the gear level that pumps out the adrenalin to make you go faster. You can go fast, but please do it on track! Check out the video embed after the jump:
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X lepas
X lepas
lalu roadblock jpj lepas??
mmang terbaik la
Heheheheh … yeke .. yeke ?
bro Addyn Lokman, mcm moto hang ja ni, cantik betui
Eleh Syed Ahmad… Rsv4 buat dlu laa…
Nabil Rusyaidi.. bile nk tuka ekzos camni ??
Ni kedai abg razak nih
Cer try dengar spark full titanium kt zx636..pon dasat gak..
Terbaikkk (y) (y) (y)
superb sound…