I think this is the comparison that 250 riders are looking for and thankfully Motorcycle Consumer News have compiled this comprehensive comparison which is in my opinion is the best comparison ever written for these 3 bikes.
Let me spills the beans here, 2011 Honda CBR250R wins.
Don’t believe me and need to read more? Link to download the PDF is after the jump
via: http://www.mcnews.com/mcn/features/2011Apr250s.pdf
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I tought Kawasaki is better… BTW, gonna read the full review first.. Thanks eddy..
aku baca dkt forum lain..
ada ninja x terkejar CBR250 ???
aku x jumpe lagi cbr250 vs ninja 250…..
dkt indonesia cbr nie lebih top jualan nye walawpun baru keluar
Harap semua dah baca PDF tu sbb mmg dia cite psl top speed n everything. Top speed mmg mng Ninja 250R.
mmg mng …
bang eddy x bole bukak…
dah donload…
link lain ada x ?
try copy and paste to the web browser. hope that can help.
mana laju bro edy
Kena download and baca dulu PDF tu. Detail y diberikan mmg cukup byk sehingga tiada persoalan y tidak terjawab.