In 1998, Yamaha Motor launched its new flagship supersport model YZF-R1 (1,000cc), which won acclaim for its exciting performance on winding roads, thanks to the combination of its high-performance engine and lightweight frame. Since then, Yamaha Motor continued its expansion of the YZF-R series through the launch of YZF-R6 (600cc) and YZF-R7 (750cc). And in 2008, YZF-R15 (150cc) and YZF-R125 (125cc) were introduced to India and Europe respectively. The new YZF-R25 is developed not only for the Indonesian market where the popularity of sports models has been increasing, but also as a 250cc supersports model to cater for the global market.
1) Newly-developed high performance two-cylinder engine
The YZF-R25 is equipped with a newly-developed 250cc, liquid-cooled inline two-cylinder fuel-injected engine. In order to promote faster combustion, the new engine was designed using the latest analysis technology to actively generate a tumble (a vertical whirl of air-fuel mixture) in the combustion chamber while obtaining an optimum flow rate of the engine’s air-fuel mixture. As a result, the engine boasts a class-leading power output while also offering a power delivery suited for daily use. In addition, the new engine uses Yamaha Motor’s unique DiASil (Die casting Aluminum-Silicon) cylinders, which offer excellent heat dissipation and lighter weight. This is the first time this technology has been implemented in 2-cylinder engines made by Yamaha Motor.
2) Mass-centralized lightweight body
A simple and lightweight steel frame with minimal curves and welding is employed. The new YZF-R25 offers excellent handling through various features, including the front suspension with 41mm inner tubes, one of the largest in the class, Monocross suspension that contributes to mass centralization, and a rear arm that has the same axial distance ratio as the YZF-R1.
3) Body design inherited from the YZF-R series
The new YZF-R25 features a sporty and advanced-looking design worthy of the YZF-R title. The mass-forward silhouette and sharply-sculpted rear end inherit the DNA of the R-series. The reverse-slant twin headlights for a sharper look, an air duct that evokes a sense of high performance, shift timing indicator identical to the YZF-R1, and other features are also derived from previous YZF-R designs.
We also have written earlier about the YZF-R25 here.

Words are from official Yamaha press release and images from Revstation: and Yamaha Motor Indonesia FB
R25se? Masuk arrow ka akrapovic hehehe
Cahaya Sara Lysa
lowered ag lawooo
Pkai rr mmg pening kepala nak isi minyak dgn 2T..
Sam Akmal
the prototype was nice, the actual bike quite ordinary-looking.
exhaust ugly. fairing depan tinggi sangat so the stance a bit
more touring than sporty.
but gear indicator is nice indeed. price is sure to more mahal
than ninja, yangmahal mah
Damn… harga berapa ni Zoro Zul?
Azizi Farish Zainal
smart yg prototype.production pn ok la.quite nice.mgkin sesuai utk entry level.blaja handling
x payah nak compare motor ape2 pun la..aku pun pakai RR xde nak megah mane pun..motor masing2 ade kelebihan + kekurangan der.klu betol motor R25 ni kluar kt malaysia mmg aku gadai RR aku..
seb bek ak xde duit nk beli lw masuk xde r jeles sgt..haha
xabis2 rr . cuba rr kau tuu test zxr250 baru ad akai . aha
admin, ini 1inline atau 2 inline ?
Kalau headlamp prototaip dia lg cun.. Nmpk Garang… Yg ni kureng la…
moto atas ni memang ada headlamp..*sarcasm* *facepalm*
Haha… Airhole kt tgh tu ltk ler lampu..
Rr laju ah beb..smua two stroke power2…kawa 250 pom kne tapau cm tu je kt rr..
RR SUCKS! Meter ringan nak mampoih..btw ada gear indicator..NAISS!!!
msti nk ade jgk ckp rr lg lju..peace yoww
antar kawasaki rr abes mkn asap R25 nih..confirm..
Admin mt-125 ni msuk ke?
250cc is sportbike.. 600cc is supersport… 1000cc baru superbaik la -_-
250 superbike? Haha
Tersangkut aku nak kluar moto ni….bila ni nak kluar…admin klu Malaysia x tentu nak kluar x payah promote lebih2, dah meleleh air liur ni
Aduhhh….stim tgk…kuat godaan nihhh….
Mimpi lee nak masuk malaysia tahun2 terdekat ni.r15 pon belum masuk lg lel
aku dah modified moto ni,max top 270km/j…dalam mimpi laaa…haaiceeh…
mimpi??mimpi pun mimpi la..Ellisna Cempaka
Silakan dibw ke mimpi ye en. Azizul Elz
Mohd Azahari Ya
Jibam Fadly
BabyGewl He Love
Thn dpn agknye br msk…ha ha,menabunglh dulu…
Sure ke.r15 pon bjanggut nak tggu ape lg r25
ish,,,kenapa r25 semakin menggoda hati aku..nanti biniku nama honda wave dash tu mengamuk depan akuu……iskkk
Yamahal R25..
ni msok x msok ni..admin kasi panas je..
Sinar Harian melaporkan bahawa R25 termasuk dalam senarai motosikal yg akan masuk Malaysia, tp tak tahu bila.
250 dah kategori superbike?
entry-level superbike rasanya
a.k.a baby superbike……hhehehe…
ini YAMAHAL lol
hahahaha.. baru je pas gogel2.. sekali kene tambah racun lgyyyy.. angau la mcm nii.. tiap2 malam mesti mimpi! haha
nasib baik aku student lagi..meliur liur tgk motor..
Macam lawa pulak.
Ini Y A M A H A !