2012 Yamaha 135LC new livery is coming soon

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I’m happy to know that the new livery of the popular Yamaha 135LC is coming soon this year. It has been almost 2 years since the launch of the new 135LC. I’m expecting a better livery version of the 135LC especially for the 5-speed version since the current version is too soft (in my opinion). I’d like to see a more aggressive and much suited the racing bike used by Yamaha racing teams.
Thanks to BLH Motor for updating us about it. For those who are now looking forward to buy the 135LC, are you going to wait for the new livery update?

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4 Replies to “2012 Yamaha 135LC new livery is coming soon”

  1. love the devilish looks of new lc,but sadly as for the performance mr postman bikes aka ex5 can eat this lc for breakfast.haiyoo..why they put cut off system?if hly want to make a slow bike produce 50cc bike better.the top speed i manage to get is 120km/h…and i’m yawning at this speed hehe it’s about time to upgrade myself to 600cc class bikes…

  2. great, another kapchai news, how tasteless our bike market are.

    expect the price will be very *special* soon, as you’ve all know how HL Yamaha are with their bikes

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